
Or in his words ‘Friendzoned’.

Yup he finally gave me the ” it’s not me but it’s him” line. That he can’t allow me to live with a diseased person. It would be too selfish of him. It would be unfair to me.

I so want to make my Facebook or Whatsapp  status ‘Dumped’ but I don’t want him to have the pleasure of knowing what’s going through my mind or that this news affected me the least bit. 

I had given him today as the deadline to give me his verdict/decision. He would not tell me anything. You will not cease communication with me, he said. Okay I said quietly. He would still give me open ended answers about how we are not suited for each other and how it is selfish of him to push me into this hopeless life with a positive person. Apparently the European friend (now I don’t want to speculate on their level of friendship), told him that if they are business partners (he used that word initially) then he can get him a European passport. Then he said that if they marry and then it will be easy. They have to prove that they were living together for at least 2 years and then it might happen in 3 or 4 years. It will be a marriage of convenience of course, he said. How was this idea he asked me. I said very good, you should go for it. He said but it will be all over. They will have to tell their friends. And post pics on Facebook. I said go ahead then tell everyone. What else was I supposed to tell?

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