Atomic Habits

Yeah, I succumbed. But I am over Facebook and Instagram definitely. I deleted them again yesterday because I was hardly spending time on them.

Twitter I finally deleted the app and started reading it on the browser because I think I need the daily fix of the angry. I was reading it on the way to any place (remember not to touch my mobile phone 😆). Dopamine fix and all.

Now I have replaced it with reading this book. (You still have to remember the same thing though). The good thing about this is a) I’m reading something motivational b) I am reducing going on binge.

The TV in the evening habit I still have to break though.

Also I am looking at my calendar more times during the day, so that’s a good thing. I don’t like how it defaults any task to 1 hour though. I wish the alerts were connected to the reminders though.

Atomic Habits

I’m happy. I finally started making entries/planning my daily calendar on the phone.

I had been thinking of a way to do it but this new book that I am reading, Atomic Habits, says that what I was thinking is correct. it’s Amazon #7 best seller. The only problem with the book is that it’s too long. Normally I like it in a book but this one takes too long to reach a minor point and then keeps repeating it.

The thing about this calendar is that I have not made any time for art. That’s a first. 😱

I’m on Page 15 of The Catcher in the Rye and im asking if Holden Caufield is me? 😂😂😂

This book is a hundred times more readable than Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye. Ewww.

I think I’m at an age where I don’t want to waste time reading sad stuff. Eww.