Tomorrow will be 15 years since I lost my sister. I cried suddenly. I think it was the first time in 15 years for that reason…

Life seems so purposeless. I think the weather reminds of that day. Same gloomy cold January. Our lives were never the same again…There was so much left to say. So many things she would never know. I know she would have enjoyed Facebook immensely. And yes, blogging. Though she wouldn’t have shared it with me. She wrote poems. Some pretty heavy ones. I never understood a word. 

I always felt bad for Mom n Dad. Losing a child is horrible. Especially your older, favourite one. And the worst was for Dad. He was left alone with Mom n me and no one to defend him… 

I don’t believe in afterlife. I think we are born. And we die. 

Everyday Superheroes 

I care two hoots for the government’s morality – I lie about my sexuality and I donate blood every three months. 

It’s been ages since I had sex anyways. And I’m as safe/unsafe as any straight person even when I have sex. I have a rare blood type and the risks of me causing harm to someone are negligible compared to saving three lives every three months.

I don’t care if anyone has any disagreements with that – don’t fall sick and don’t take my blood. 


A few days back I received a mail from saying that he’s shifting out of the country he’s living in. He would leave the few things I had left behind with a friend back home if I wished…

I didn’t reply. I wanted to know where he was going. I thought of asking the common girlfriend, cause she would know…but I didn’t. What’s the point after all? After know what was happening in each other’s life every moment (well almost) now I don’t even know which country he’s gonna live in…such is life.